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The useSequence hook allows you to access a sequence’s playback controls using a store API.


The hook can be used within the <Sheet> context or withing the <Sequence> context:

<!-- child of a <Sheet> or <Sequence> -->
<script lang="ts">
  import { useSequence } from '@threlte/theatre'
  const { position, playing, length, play, pause, config } = useSequence()


This example uses the useSequence hook to allow you to control the feather’s animation using the feather itself. Hover will pause the animation and clicking and dragging the feather up and down allow you to wind back and forth in time.

<script lang="ts">
  import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
  import { Project, Sheet } from '@threlte/theatre'

  import Scene from './Scene.svelte'
  import state from './state.json'

    <Project config={{ state }}>
        <Scene />

  div {
    height: 100%;
<script lang="ts">
  import { T } from '@threlte/core'
  import { GLTF, interactivity } from '@threlte/extras'
  import { SheetObject, useSequence } from '@threlte/theatre'


  const { play, pause, position, length } = useSequence()

  let baseline: number | undefined = undefined

  onpointerleave={() => {
    baseline = undefined
  onpointerdown={(event) => {
    baseline = event.intersections[0].point.y
  onpointermove={(event) => {
    if (baseline) {
      const current = event.intersections[0].point.y
      const progress = (baseline - current) / 2
      $position = $position + progress * $length
      baseline = current
  onpointerup={() => (baseline = undefined)}
  <SheetObject key="Feather">
    {#snippet children({ Transform })}
        <GLTF url="/models/feather.glb" />
<script lang="ts">
  import { T } from '@threlte/core'
  import { Environment, Text, interactivity } from '@threlte/extras'
  import { useSequence } from '@threlte/theatre'

  import Feather from './Feather.svelte'


  const { position, config, play } = useSequence()

  // adjust playback settings
  config({ iterationCount: Infinity, rate: 0.3 })

  const format = (num: number) =>
    num.toLocaleString('en-US', {
      minimumFractionDigits: 1,
      maximumFractionDigits: 1

  $: time = format($position)


<Feather />



<T.AmbientLight intensity={0.2} />

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              "z": 1
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              "y": 0.05,
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              "y": 0,
              "z": -4.164744872672715
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            "y": 0,
            "w": false,
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        "type": "PositionalSequence",
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                    "position": 0.6,
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                    "value": 200
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                    "position": 0.8,
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          "Feather": {
            "trackData": {
              "XFWRBWGCYD": {
                "type": "BasicKeyframedTrack",
                "__debugName": "Feather:[\"position\",\"x\"]",
                "keyframes": []
              "3i48L_UXaD": {
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                    "value": -2
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                "type": "BasicKeyframedTrack",
                "__debugName": "Feather:[\"position\",\"z\"]",
                "keyframes": []
            "trackIdByPropPath": {
              "[\"position\",\"x\"]": "XFWRBWGCYD",
              "[\"position\",\"y\"]": "3i48L_UXaD",
              "[\"position\",\"z\"]": "xoXXb0Gj6w"
  "definitionVersion": "0.4.0",
  "revisionHistory": [


The following values are returned by the hook:

lengthnumberThe length of the sequence, which is set within the studio
positionWritable<number>The sequence playhead position
playingWritable<boolean>The sequence state (playing or paused)
play(opts?: SequenceOptions) => Promise<boolean>Method for playing the sequence
pause() => voidMethod for pausing the sequence
config(opts: SequenceOptions) => voidMethod for updating the sequence’s options