The component <Theatre>
is a convenience shortcut and provides a default <Project>
and <Sheet>
to get you set up as fast as possible. It also includes a <Studio>
which can be disabled with the property studio
: <Theatre studio={false} />
The component <Theatre>
is a good choice if you want to test the waters or to quickly spin up an experiment.
<script lang="ts">
import { Canvas, T } from '@threlte/core'
import { SheetObject, Theatre } from '@threlte/theatre'
<SheetObject key="Camera">
{#snippet children({ Transform })}
position={[5, 10, 3]}
<SheetObject key="Cube">
{#snippet children({ Transform })}
<T.Mesh position.y={0.5}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial color="hotpink" />
<T.GridHelper />