instantly freezes all shadow maps upon mounting and unfreezes them upon unmounting. This improves performance by making all shadows static. Use <BakeShadows
if you have a complex but static scene as the shadows will only be calculated once.
<script lang="ts">
import Scene from './Scene.svelte'
import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
import { Checkbox, Pane } from 'svelte-tweakpane-ui'
let bake = $state(false)
label="bake shadows"
<Scene {bake} />
div {
height: 100%;
<script lang="ts">
import type { Mesh } from 'three'
import { BakeShadows } from '@threlte/extras'
import { T, useTask } from '@threlte/core'
type Props = {
bake: boolean
let { bake }: Props = $props()
let rotation = 0
let mesh = $state<Mesh>()
useTask((delta) => {
rotation += delta
mesh?.rotation.set(0, rotation, 0)
position={[10, 10, 10]}
oncreate={(ref) => {
ref.lookAt(0, 1, 0)
position={[0, 10, 10]}
oncreate={(ref) => {
mesh = ref
<T.BoxGeometry args={[1, 2, 1]} />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="orangered" />
rotation.x={-1 * 0.5 * Math.PI}
<T.CircleGeometry args={[4, 40]} />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="white" />
{#if bake}
<BakeShadows />
When <BakeShadows>
is used within a <Suspense>
, shadows will be frozen after the boundary is no longer in a suspended state. It will unfreeze if the boundary is re-suspended.
<script lang="ts">
import Scene from './Scene.svelte'
import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
let bake = $state(false)
<Scene {bake} />
div {
height: 100%;
<script lang="ts">
import Spaceship from './Spaceship.svelte'
import type { SpaceshipProps } from './types'
import { BakeShadows, OrbitControls, Suspense } from '@threlte/extras'
import { Color } from 'three'
import { T, useThrelte } from '@threlte/core'
const { size, scene } = useThrelte()
scene.background = new Color('black')
let zoom = $derived($size.width / 50)
type Ship = Required<Pick<SpaceshipProps, 'name' | 'position'>>
const ships: Ship[] = [
{ name: 'Bob', position: [-12, 0, 3] },
{ name: 'Challenger', position: [10, 5, 6] },
{ name: 'Dispatcher', position: [8, 3, -23] },
{ name: 'Executioner', position: [12, -4, 6] },
{ name: 'Imperial', position: [-1, 0, -21] },
{ name: 'Insurgent', position: [-13, 1, -21] },
{ name: 'Omen', position: [-9, -5, 13] },
{ name: 'Pancake', position: [-9, -3, -9] },
{ name: 'Spitfire', position: [1, 0, 1] },
{ name: 'Striker', position: [8, -1, -10] },
{ name: 'Zenith', position: [-1, 0, 13] }
position={[-40, 25, 40]}
oncreate={(ref) => {
ref.lookAt(0, 0, -8)
<OrbitControls />
position={[0, 25, 0]}
angle={Math.PI / 3}
<Suspense final>
{#each ships as { name, position }}
<BakeShadows />
rotation.x={-1 * 0.5 * Math.PI}
<T.CircleGeometry args={[100]} />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="white" />
<script lang="ts">
import type { SpaceshipProps } from './types'
import { T } from '@threlte/core'
import { useGltf, useSuspense } from '@threlte/extras'
let { name, ...props }: SpaceshipProps = $props()
const suspend = useSuspense()
let gltf = $derived(suspend(useGltf(`/models/spaceships/${name}.gltf`)))
{#await gltf then { scene }}
<T.Group {...props}>
oncreate={(ref) => {
for (const child of ref.children) {
child.castShadow = true
child.receiveShadow = true
export type { SpaceshipProps } from '../../suspense/types'
The example above is an ideal scene for <BakeShadows>
because all objects are stationary and the shadows will never change.