

The teleportControls plugin creates teleportation controls similar to many native XR experiences: pressing the thumbstick forward on a controller will create a visible ray to a teleport destination, and when the the thumbstick is released the user will be teleported to the end of the ray.

  import { teleportControls } from '@threlte/xr'
  teleportControls('left' | 'right')

Any mesh within this component and all child components can now be treated as a navigation mesh to which the user can teleport to.

To register a mesh with teleportControls, add a teleportSurface property.

<T.Mesh teleportSurface>
  <T.CylinderGeometry args={[20, 0.01]} />
  <T.MeshStandardMaterial />

If you wish to add teleport controls for both hands / controllers, simply call the plugin for both hands.

  import { teleportControls } from '@threlte/xr'

Teleport controls can be enabled or disabled when initialized or during runtime.

  import { teleportControls } from '@threlte/xr'
  // "enabled" is a currentWritable
  const { enabled } = teleportControls('left', { enabled: false })

  // At some later time...

A mesh can also be registered as a teleportBlocker, meaning that it will prevent teleportation through it. This can be useful when creating walls and doors that the user must navigate around.

<T.Mesh teleportBlocker>
  <T.BoxGeometry args={[0.8, 2, 0.1]} />
  <T.MeshStandardMaterial />

This plugin can be composed with the teleportControls plugin to allow both teleporting and interaction.

  import { pointerControls, teleportControls } from '@threlte/xr'

This will result in pointerControls taking over when pointing at a mesh with events, and teleportControls taking over otherwise.