This is a practical example showing a best-practice method of implementing LOD in Threlte. The example is a great demonstration of the power of ref bindings.

This is an adaption of Three.js own documentation, and therefore it’s also a great way to learn how to translate what you already know how to do with imperative three.js, into declerative Threlte code.

How does it work

  1. First <T> creates the geometry and material
  2. Then it attaches those to the mesh
  3. oncreate will run later, but we remember to use a reference to the mesh itself ref and a reference lod to the parent LOD object.

… which happens 3 times due to the #each block

  {#snippet children({ ref: lod })}
    {#each ['red', 'green', 'blue'] as color, i}
        oncreate={(ref) => {
          lod.addLevel(ref, i * 75) // i * 75 = distance
        <T.IcosahedronGeometry args={[10, 3 - i]} />
  1. <T> now creates the LOD parent and internally calls the three.js function lod.add(child) on each mesh, since they are defined inside the <T.LOD> object.
  2. However, in three.js we need the lod.addLevel(child, distance) as well to register the children as LOD levels and not just attached children.
  3. This is where our oncreate function comes in - upon creation of each mesh, we are able to call lod.addLevel(child, distance)